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Cherish health, savor peace, and when the stars align, embark on the road to wealth – where well being meets serenity, prosperity follows.

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Mastering Nmap: Your Ultimate Guide to Network Discovery and Port Scanning

Whether you’re a network admin, a penetration tester, or just someone fascinated by network security, understanding how Nmap works can be incredibly valuable. In this guide, we’ll dive into Nmap’s functionality, exploring its features and how you can use it to enhance your network scanning and discovery efforts.

What is Nmap?

Nmap, short for Network Mapper, is the go-to tool for discovering hosts and services on a computer network. It’s a powerful, open-source scanner that helps network administrators and security professionals map out networks, identify open ports, and detect potential vulnerabilities.

Some of the nifty features Nmap offers include:

  • Host Discovery: Find out which hosts are up and running on your network.
  • Port Scanning: Identify open ports on a host.
  • Service and OS Fingerprinting: Determine the services running on open ports and the operating system of the host.
  • Basic Vulnerability Detection: Spot potential security weaknesses.

And if you prefer a graphical interface, Nmap’s Zenmap provides an easy-to-use GUI with network mapping diagrams.

How Nmap Helps You

With Nmap in your toolkit, you can:

  1. Discover Live Hosts: Find out which devices are currently active on your network.
  2. Scan for Open Ports: Identify which ports on a host are open and listening.
  3. Discover Services: Detect what services are running on those open ports.
  4. Test for Vulnerabilities: Check for common security issues.

Port Scanning Alternatives

Nmap is not alone in the world of port scanners. There are other tools out there that might fit specific needs:

  • Unicornscan: This tool excels in collecting network and OS information with features like asynchronous TCP and UDP scanning.
  • Angry IP Scanner: A fast, GUI-based scanner that can perform ping sweeps, port scanning, and even resolve MAC addresses and hostnames.
  • Masscan: Known for its speed, Masscan can scan entire networks rapidly, with a default transmission rate of 100 packets per second.
  • Onetwopunch: A powerful script that combines Unicornscan and Nmap for a comprehensive scan, providing detailed results on both open ports and the services running on them.

Nmap Host Discovery

Before diving into port scanning, it’s often a good idea to identify live hosts on your network. Nmap offers several methods to do this:

  1. ARP Scanning: This method is stealthy and works well on local LANs. If you get an ARP reply, the host exists and is reachable. You can use:

    nmap -n -sn -PR --send-eth
  2. ICMP Scanning: Sends ICMP Echo requests to detect live hosts. A reply indicates the host is active.

    nmap -sP -PE

    You can also use ICMP timestamp requests or address mask requests:

    nmap -sP -PP
    nmap -sP -PM
  3. TCP Scanning: Sends TCP SYN or ACK packets to detect hosts. If you receive a SYN/ACK or RST packet, the host is up.

    nmap -sP -PS 21 IP
    nmap -sP -PA IP

If you already have a list of live IP addresses, you can skip host discovery and jump straight to port scanning:

nmap -Pn IP

By mastering Nmap, you’ll be able to uncover valuable information about your network, detect potential security risks, and keep your systems secure. Happy scanning!

Scanning for Open Ports with Nmap: Techniques and Insights

When it comes to discovering open ports on a network, Nmap is an invaluable tool. It determines the status of ports by analyzing the responses it receives from SYN packets. Here’s a breakdown of how Nmap classifies ports and the scanning techniques you can use:

Understanding Port Status

  • Open Port: If Nmap gets an “SYN-ACK” response to its SYN request, the port is considered open.
  • Closed Port: If the response is an “RST” packet, Nmap marks the port as closed.
  • Filtered: When Nmap doesn’t receive any response, it indicates that the port might be filtered by a firewall or other security measures.

Scanning Techniques

Nmap offers several methods for scanning ports, each with its own advantages and use cases:

  1. Stealth Scan (SYN Scan)

    Also known as a half-open scan, the Stealth Scan is Nmap’s default and most popular technique. It’s called “stealth” because it doesn’t complete the full TCP handshake. Here’s how it works:

    • Nmap sends an SYN packet to the target port.
    • If the port is open, the target responds with an SYN-ACK.
    • If the port is closed, the target replies with an RST.
    • If there’s no response after several retries, Nmap assumes the port is filtered.

    Once Nmap receives an SYN-ACK, it sends an RST packet to close the connection and then marks the port as open.


    nmap -sS IP

    Here’s a snapshot of the packet exchange captured by Wireshark:

    • Packet 526: SYN packet sent from the source IP to the target port (e.g., 135).
    • Packet 545: SYN-ACK response from the target port.
    • Packet 546: RST packet sent back to close the connection.
  2. TCP Connect Scan

    The TCP Connect Scan completes the full TCP handshake, making it a more straightforward alternative to the Stealth Scan. The process involves:

    • Sending an SYN packet to the port.
    • If the port is open, the target responds with SYN-ACK.
    • If the port is closed, the target replies with RST.
    • If no response is received, the port is marked as filtered.
    • After receiving SYN-ACK, Nmap completes the handshake by sending an ACK packet.


    nmap -sT IP

    The traffic capture below shows the process:

    • Packet 121: SYN packet initiating the connection.
    • The handshake completes with the delivery of the ACK packet.

    While TCP Connect Scan is effective, it can be slower and might create log entries, potentially alerting security systems.

  3. UDP Scan

    UDP Scanning is generally slower and less commonly used than TCP scanning but is crucial for discovering services that use UDP. Here’s how it works:

    • Nmap sends a UDP packet to the target ports. For common ports, the packet includes protocol-specific data; for others, it might be empty.
    • If Nmap receives an “ICMP port unreachable” error, the port is closed.
    • Lack of response usually means the port is open or filtered, making this method slower and less accurate.
    • Any data in the response indicates that the port is open.


    nmap -sU IP

    Traffic capture example:

    • Packets 78349 and 78350: UDP response for a probe on port 2049. Closed ports typically return a “port unreachable” message.

Each scanning method has its own strengths and is suited to different scenarios. By understanding these techniques, you can effectively use Nmap to discover open ports, assess network security, and gain valuable insights into your network. Happy scanning!

Discovering Services with Nmap: How to Uncover What’s Running on Your Ports

When you’re exploring a network with Nmap, discovering which services are running on open ports can provide crucial insights into the systems you’re scanning. Let’s walk through how Nmap identifies services and why this is important for network security.

How Nmap Discovers Services

Nmap has a clever way of figuring out what services are running on open ports. Here’s how it works:

  1. Banner Grabbing

    Many services, such as SSH, Telnet, FTP, and SMTP, announce themselves by sending a “welcome banner” when a connection is made. This banner often contains information about the service, including its name and version. Nmap listens for these banners to identify services.

  2. Service Probing

    If a service doesn’t advertise a banner, Nmap doesn’t stop there. It sends specific probes to the open ports to elicit a response. These probes are tailored to the expected responses of various services.

  3. Signature Matching

    Once Nmap receives a response from a port, it doesn’t just guess what service it is. Instead, it compares the response data to a vast database of known service signatures. This database helps Nmap accurately identify services by matching the received data to its fingerprints.


    nmap -sV IP

    The -sV option tells Nmap to perform a service scan. This scan attempts to determine the version of the services running on open ports by comparing the responses to its signature database.

Why Service Discovery Matters

Knowing what services are running on a network helps in several ways:

  • Security Assessment: Identifying services allows you to check if they’re up-to-date or if they have known vulnerabilities.
  • Network Mapping: Understanding the services helps in mapping out the network’s architecture.
  • Troubleshooting: It helps in diagnosing network issues by pinpointing which services are active on which ports.

By using Nmap’s service discovery features, you gain a deeper understanding of the systems you’re scanning, helping you manage and secure your network more effectively. Happy scanning and discovering!

Testing for Vulnerabilities with Nmap: Unleash the Power of NSE

When it comes to network security, discovering vulnerabilities is just as crucial as identifying open ports and services. Thankfully, Nmap has a built-in feature that makes this process easier and more efficient: the Nmap Script Engine (NSE). Let’s dive into how you can use NSE to test for vulnerabilities and enhance your network security.

What is Nmap Script Engine (NSE)?

The Nmap Script Engine (NSE) is a powerful tool that lets you extend Nmap’s capabilities by running custom scripts. These scripts can automate a variety of tasks, from simple network discovery to complex vulnerability testing. NSE is like a Swiss Army knife for Nmap, offering a range of scripts for different security needs.

How to Use NSE for Vulnerability Testing

  1. Activating NSE

    To get started with NSE, you’ll use the -sC option, which activates a set of default scripts included with Nmap. These scripts are handy for basic vulnerability checks and other network tasks.


    nmap -sC IP

    This command will run a set of default scripts against the specified IP address to uncover potential issues.

  2. Running Specific Scripts

    If you’re looking to test for a particular vulnerability, you can use the --script option to specify the script you want to run. Nmap has a treasure trove of scripts available in its database, which you can find at:

    • Linux: /usr/share/nmap/scripts/
    • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Nmap\scripts

    For example, to check for anonymous login permissions on an FTP server, you can use the ftp-anon.nse script:


    nmap --script=ftp-anon.nse -p 21 IP

    This command will test if the FTP server at the specified IP allows anonymous logins, which could be a potential security risk.

  3. Checking for Specific Vulnerabilities

    NSE also includes scripts for testing known vulnerabilities. For instance, if you want to check for a backdoor in the VSFTPD server, you can use the following command:


    nmap --script=vsftpd-backdoor.nse -p 21 IP

    This script will probe the FTP server for a known backdoor vulnerability.

Why Use NSE?

NSE extends Nmap’s functionality far beyond simple port scanning. With NSE, you can:

  • Automate Security Checks: Run a variety of scripts to automate vulnerability assessments and network discovery.
  • Identify Known Vulnerabilities: Quickly check for vulnerabilities that are well-documented and have existing scripts.
  • Enhance Network Security: Discover and address security issues before they can be exploited.

Nmap is more than just a port scanner; it’s a comprehensive tool for network and security professionals. By leveraging NSE, you can conduct thorough vulnerability assessments and keep your network secure.

For more details on NSE scripts and other Nmap features, be sure to check out the Nmap official website. Happy scanning and securing!

How to Build a Website


1. Define Your Purpose:

  • Understand the purpose of your website. Is it a personal blog, a portfolio, a business site, or something else? Knowing your goal will help shape the design and content.

2. Choose a Website Builder:

  • For beginners, using a website builder is often the easiest way to get started. Platforms like Wix, Squarespace, and offer user-friendly interfaces with drag-and-drop functionality.

3. Select a Domain Name:

  • Choose a domain name that reflects your website's purpose and is easy to remember. Use a reputable domain registrar to purchase your domain.

4. Pick a Template or Theme:

  • Website builders usually offer a variety of templates or themes. Choose one that suits your style and fits your website's purpose. Customize it to make it your own.

5. Create Content:

  • Plan your website content. This includes text, images, and any other media you want to showcase. Ensure your content is clear, concise, and engaging.

6. Optimize for SEO:

  • Learn the basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to help your website rank better in search engines. This includes using relevant keywords, adding meta tags, and optimizing images.

7. Mobile-Friendly Design:

  • Ensure your website looks good on both desktop and mobile devices. Most website builders provide responsive design options.

8. Integrate Social Media:

  • Connect your website to your social media accounts. This can help you promote your content and engage with your audience.

9. Set Up Analytics:

  • Use tools like Google Analytics to track your website's performance. This will provide insights into your visitors, popular pages, and more.

10. Test Your Website:

  • Before publishing, test your website thoroughly. Check for broken links, ensure all features work correctly, and review the overall user experience.

11. Publish Your Website:

  • Once you're satisfied with your website, publish it for the world to see. Some website builders provide hosting, while others may require you to find external hosting.

12. Continuous Improvement:

  • Regularly update your website with new content. Listen to user feedback and make improvements over time. Websites are dynamic, and ongoing updates keep them relevant.

Be a Virtual Assistant in 30 Days and earn $5000

How to Become a Virtual Assistant 

Anyone may become a virtual assistant and earn money doing what they enjoy. I've demonstrated it!

Working as a Marketing Assistant for another entrepreneur was one of the first dollars I ever earned as an internet company owner.

I assisted with the promotion of her ebooks by researching and producing content for guest blogging campaigns, designing landing pages for webinars, composing newsletter follow-up email sequences, and monitoring her social media platforms.

If I were to start my internet business over, I would do it the same way!

Working with a more seasoned entrepreneur gave me the opportunity to learn the ropes, see behind-the-scenes of her firm, and pick her brain. She not only coached me, but it was almost as if I was being paid to learn!

That is the most appealing aspect of working as a virtual assistant, managing editor, or project manager. You have insight to the inner workings of their company while being compensated.

If you want to work as a virtual assistant and make money assisting other business owners, now is the time to start.

What is Exactly a Virtual Assistant

First and foremost, you may be asking what a virtual assistant is. A virtual assistant provides administrative support to customers in remote locations, allowing you to work from home!

That's excellent, but what exactly does a virtual assistant do? Making phone calls, managing email accounts, managing social media accounts, arranging appointments, keeping calendars up to date, data input, and making travel plans are all common virtual assistant services.

No Experience in Being a Virtual Assistant

When I originally started this blog in 2020, I had no idea what I was doing. I stumbled about, created a few blog pieces, and tweeted a few times.

My career did not improve until I began eagerly reading other blogs about business and entrepreneurship.

I obtained the gig work a few days later after joining up for numerous mailing lists and "stalking" a few businesses on social media!

We set up a payment plan in which I was paid $8 per hour for around 42 hours of labour each month. Over time, my pay and workload rose, and I finally switched to a monthly retainer arrangement that came out to around $16 per hour.

How To Work As A Virtual Assistant

Here are the things to do if you want to earn your first $500 this month:

  1. Find your target customer and connect with them on social media.
  2. Make use of previous experience to obtain your first customer.
  3. Create a master list of services to provide as a virtual assistant.
  4. Create a detailed Services page or portfolio.
  5. Improve the performance of your Services page.
  6. Charge per the hour at first, then switch to a flat cost.
  7. Keep raising your rates and pricing.
Taking action immediately can help you kickstart your VA career and start fulfilling your goal of working from home.

5 Things You Can Make And Sell To Earn Extra Cash


Do you have some free time? Want to make some side cash? But don't know where to start? Well, we have something in common. 

I have searched for ways to make side money. To be honest, I was baffled by the amount of information I got on my PC. There were literally hundreds of ways to make money, but truthfully, 40% were scams, and 55% were such a side job that it would require a full-time job effort... Haha how laughable, but it is the truth. Of course, the remaining 5% were correct and decent money-making ways, like it, logically made sense that this is a side job and you can earn money from it.

Before you get tired of this post and swipe away, I just want to say that these methods are mostly for homemade stuff, unique in their own way, and fun to read about. And, well, extra knowledge doesn't hurt right.

1. Candles

Yep, you heard it, right partner, it is candles. It might sound a bit boring and repetitive, but it is a reality. In the USA alone, the candy industry is worth $3.2 billion. Now I am NOT telling you to have some sky-high expectations from it, but you can earn a decent amount of cash from it as the profit goes from $5 to $20+ per candle depending on quality and design, and, of course, the smell.

5 Things You Can Make And Sell To Earn Extra Cash

A Good Smelling Candle has a lot of markets and I mean, come on, if on a good occasion you have a choice between buying a normal candle or a good-smelling one, then you would definitely go for the latter, given that you are not a frugal person.

What about crafting? Absolutely easy. With a broad range of DIY guides online, Candles are one of the easiest crafts to do as a novice. In addition, the fundamental procedures of melting and pouring require little or no expertise.

A word of advice: ensure that security labeling is used. Safeguard your company from legal actions.

You can set up a flagship business for approximately $200.


2. Ceramics

I agree that they are not one of the quickest products to be made, but the process in itself is quite enjoyable while disregarding the fact that the industry is huge. If I were to give an example, then it would be decorations and gifts.

You can look here:

5 Things You Can Make And Sell To Earn Extra Cash

Her mugs are SOLD OUT. You can imagine how much demand there must be. And the best part is if you want to stand out, then just be unique rather than a copy paster.

What about crafting? It is not the quickest, but it is an interesting side job, plus you don't need a big crafting workshop for it.

3. Printing Merchandise

If you are a little lazy about making stuff at home, then no problem. Go for this solid Non-House Making Stuff business. OK OK, I KNOW not completely because you are still required to make designs at home.

So I was at a stationary shop and I saw a cup with the name and logo of the shop on it. It looked pretty decent, so I asked who made it and he told me about this print-on-demand business and how he ordered it online. So the whole idea is to create stuff like cups, books, t-shirts, etc. with people's names on them or their pictures as per their demand, and yeah, that's pretty much it.

5 Things You Can Make And Sell To Earn Extra Cash


There's 20% profit after doing all the calculations, and there are companies known as Pritify that can print the stuff for you, so it's like you make a design on Canva, then give it to Printify to create the required product, and you can have it shipped to you.

Now you all might be thinking, why would anyone offer me money for it? Like, they can also make the design and give it to Printify. While this might be the case for some people, some might also give you this work because they might not know how to design the stuff or want to save some time. For whatever reason, I still suggest you give it a try. I did this for my friend. So when I made him a design, I had to print it as well. Luckily, there was a printing shop similar to Printify near me, so it took $20 to print and I didn't charge any money, but if I had charged it would have been $10 and the cost of the shirt was $7. So you see, the profit was 25% of the total amount.

4. Magnets

Now I am not telling you to sell some black shiny magnets. What I mean is, add some color to it, like literally buy some resin and paint. Make those magnets into gift items and boom, you are ready to sell my friend. While the cost of profits in this item is low, the total cost of making is lower and productivity efficiency is quite high.

5 Things You Can Make And Sell To Earn Extra Cash

Magnets will cost like $0.05 to $1 and adding some paint and glittery stuff will make it around $2, so go and sell it for $4.

5. Keychains

Yep, same old keychains. Actually, they are never out of date. Did you ever notice that people still have keychains on them? I don't know about you, but I still like to have a good keychain for my bike keys. Similarly, many people like unique keychains.

A keychain can be sold for $2 to $20. Animal lovers, hikers, travelers, etc., you will find all types of keychains. The keychain industry caters to both men and women. If you add the option of making custom keychains for customers, then it would give you an edge over other people.

6 Amazingly Simple Online Money Making Methods As A Student

Who are these 6 Amazingly Simple Online Money Making Methods As A Student tips for?

You're an undergraduate? Would you like to make additional money as a youth?

Then these are for you.

Well, I'm here to offer basic, real and quick ways to make cash online, which you may utilize as a teenager for 2020, to make money online.

The nice thing about it is that many individuals use these money-making tactics and make thousands of dollars online.

Before you start to study, remember that the following procedures are completely lawful, and it is not difficult to make online money, but that you should know how to work.

6 Amazingly Simple Online Money-Making Methods As A Student

These are the incredibly easy techniques of generating money for a teenager and you can also start your profession with some of those methods and platforms, and I discuss them as well, and stay tuned!

Making your first thousand dollars online as a student takes time and more patience than before, so make sure you do what you do online and which platform would be most effective if you are a teenager for making additional dollars online.

Let's talk about these easy techniques of making money without a job online and how you may succeed on the web.

1. Selling your skills online

Are you aware or capable of showing others? If so, by selling your experience, you may make up to $1,000 a month online.

It isn't false, but you need extremely good information and it has to be good for your pupil.

By displaying their advertising and marketing them online, you can take your online course and sell it to individuals and you can teach students by offering professional guidance online.

If you sell your course and if it is worth purchasing a lot of people wait to acquire your expertise, you can't fathom how much money you are going to gain.

2. Earn money by Proofreading

Reviewing edits and reviews assignments to furnish information on any essay or material and you may get real money online if you are a student.

An online revision would be the ideal job to make your initial money online if you have a great deal of time.

6 Amazingly Simple Online Money-Making Methods As A Student

You have to check the text and discover errors, grammatical correctness, and formatting.

You may make a weekly up to $100 as an additional dollar as a proofreader and you can even create your website for revision.

3. Earn money by YouTube

Everybody knows about YouTube and YouTube; as a teenager or student, you may also be a Youtuber.

You require a laptop and helpful software for video editing, but you must choose your specialty before producing any movie, and then you may post videos.

There is no limit to generating money on YouTube as a content producer. You may be earning up to 100$ or more each day or even more on Youtube.

You may construct your profession using YouTube as a YouTuber, get viral and become renowned if you know your own specialty.

The same goes for Instagram Click Here to see more about it.

4. Earn money by Designing T-Shirts

You may make your first thousand bucks online and trust me when you design T-shirts or logos online; there is no limit.

You may certainly do it part-time if you have a creative mind and the skill to create logos and t-shirts.

6 Amazingly Simple Online Money-Making Methods As A Student

You can put your example to work and create customers on many websites, but you should have so much talent to sell.

You may also learn how to create free t-shirts on Youtube and how to produce free logos?

You can charge up to $10 per logo, but you can increase your prices if you have a lot of customers.

5. Earn money by Selling Games

Do you realize your games may be sold online?

Yes, you may earn up to $100 in your gaming, and you can use Unity or Buildbox software to create games without coding or with minimal expertise. This is the very finest program to make games.

You may sell it on Flippa without any problems and get real money online after producing your first game.

6. Old Stuff Selling

Have you some old things that you can't use?

6 Amazingly Simple Online Money-Making Methods As A Student

By selling your old items online, you may gain money, and you can sell your property on the OLX website.

It may be anything like an old phone, laptop, shoes, watches, and so on.

You may sell your spare items online and get some real cash if you think they can be beneficial for other people.

How to Earn a Fortune in 2021? Monetize Instagram

Instagram has more than 1 billion users and more than 500 million active users per day in June 2018. It's a game with an unparalleled rate of growth for social media channels. But what has this to do with you?

So now it's time for you to do so if you ever wanted to monetize Instagram. Given the magnitude of the world's audience, it is safe to suppose you have a niche market. Whatever the type of material that you generate, you have an audience. One you can probably make the most of to get a fortune.

Although it is a platform for sharing pictures and videos, you may monetize Instagram with the correct strategy. But let's look at what you need to do before we speak about the numerous strategies to monetize Instagram.

1. Affiliate Marketing 

One of the easiest methods to monetize Instagram is using the platform to become an affiliate marketer. In principle, for specific items you are using and believing in, you are a brand ambassador.

If you have a link or a discount code with your audience, it may be useful for the items that you promote on your website. Whenever a consumer buys a product, a specific amount of the income you produce is created.

But how can you build a marketing strategy for affiliates?

I propose using ShareASale to start an affiliate marketing campaign from scratch. The entire process of affiliate marketing is simplified by this extensive tool.

This application lets you start social media campaigns, apps, and websites with a few clicks. The nice thing about this platform is that you can watch your campaign progress as well so that you can see how it works.

Here's a nice illustration of how it appears.

With a convincing copy, Cassie Andrew combines a high-quality picture. Note how she encourages others to purchase using a special discount code.

How to Earn a Fortune in 2021? Monetize Instagram

2. Sponsored Posts and Shoutouts

Once you get the title of "influencer," whether it is a micro or macro influencer, you may use your influence to promote companies. You may utilize Instagram for profit if you have established your mind leadership in your field.
Often, businesses collaborate for sponsored articles with influencers, who assist disseminate their words. These postings often focus on the product itself, with a brief review by you. It is crucial to ensure that such postings are not excessively promotional so that they are blended with your other content.
For example, you want to collaborate with businesses that encourage positive body position if you're a larger clothing influencer. Here, Gabi, since they match with her own beliefs, typically works with companies as Premme.

How to Earn a Fortune in 2021? Monetize Instagram

3. Advertise Your Products

You can always build on the assumption above, what you would do for brands otherwise. Confused? You may always commercialize your own items if you have a strong personalized mark and are not too enthusiastic to promote other firms on your page.

VIP Realty, the leading real estate business, is marketing its social media listings. You distribute postings on virtual house tours to appeal to possible home purchasers. They may therefore create good social media leads and make their accounts monetized.

Under this condition, you may easily monetize Instagram as long as you have a passionate fan following. Sell your own clothes, books, goods, cosmetics, etc. Sell your own. You may use Instagram to sell them as long as the goods belong to your niche and echo the audience.

How to Earn a Fortune in 2021? Monetize Instagram

The cartoonist, Nekoma, did her best by creating her own shop and then using Instagram to market it. By posting similar content on the platform, she promotes her art, comics, and plushes.

4. Teach What You Know

For a reason, you are being followed on Instagram. You appreciate your material and want to learn from you. So, why don't you educate them on how you are?

The creation of information goods on the Instagram market has a big reward.

For one, Zach Rocheleau utilizes the platform to teach his fans how to make their favorite junk food a healthy version.

Alternatively, you may become an Instagram commercial guru and contribute to the development of content creators or businesses. You should never do anything for free, after all, if you're brilliant at something. Please learn and become a social media marketing advisor, develop and sell ebooks for Instagrams.

How to Earn a Fortune in 2021? Monetize Instagram

5. Product Placement Videos

Since the beginning of video ads, product placements have been around. And you can't have Instagram commercialize that same thing, there's no reason.

Basically, you produce a video that uses a product to gain some money to promote it.

Explanatory films, DIYs, testimonials, or even strange shorts are excellent approaches to produce these videos. Or, if you want to make a difference I would advise you to shoot IGTV with conventional videos or Instagram Stories. Many businesses want to collaborate on IGTV with content producers, and you should take this chance the most.

Hope you guys like it for making money through Youtube Click Here

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