It is not always necessary to spend money to make money. Some websites can assist you whether you want to start a side gig to earn regular part-time income or if you need some fast extra cash. Consider the following top internet money-making resources: 1. Upwork How it works: Upwork is simply a meeting place for companies and freelancers all around the world to connect and cooperate on specific projects. Businesses use freelancers for a wide range of services, including writing, web design, SEO campaign management, and pretty much any task that can be done on a computer. Highlights: Upwork charges a fee ranging from 5% to 20%, however the more monetarily successful you are, the higher your commission will be. Drawbacks: Because Upwork has been so successful, there is a lot of rivalry on the website, which may be a significant disadvantage for those who are new to the site, according to Sacha Darosa, owner of The Shirtless Web Guy...