Whether you work a conventional 9-to-5 or work nights and weekends to supplement many paychecks, it appears that everyone might benefit from some additional cash. Before you sign up for another grocery delivery job, have a look at this list of inventive ways to generate money. Many need you to be creative, while others aren't your typical side hustle. While some of these money-making ideas are simple ways to make an extra $20 per month for your savings account, others may earn you hundreds or thousands of dollars, and others will even get you started on your own side business. 6 Creative Ways To Make Money Scroll down to uncover methods to complement your full-time work or just to find a unique way to make money. Links are provided to help you get started. 1.Create Podcasts Earning potential: $22 per episode with 1,000 listeners to $27 per episode with 1 million listeners. You may offer subscriptions to listen to podcasts or utilize them as an advertising platform if you make them....