The 5 Most Important Security Awareness Training Topics for 2021
End-user education and training on cyber security best practises in the workplace will be more crucial than ever in 2021. In 2021 there are many cyber security topics to learn and know about for your own self defence. If your are beginner then do not worry I have a topic for beginners Here. With more complex digital threats, the most efficient method to save time and prevent security breaches is to educate your digital workers on cyber security best practises.
The most prominent example was how people and corporations adapted to remote working situations. This brought with it a slew of new obstacles. Risks such as phishing, malware, and data storage were further exacerbated, along with more active hacking efforts than in the past, resulting in an X percent increase.
With this in mind, we’ve refreshed our list of 5 topics to look out for in the year 2021.
What subjects should I cover in terms of security awareness?
Most businesses spend a significant amount of time and money deploying software to secure their security information, with typical IT security expenditures hovering around 10%. However, ‘human hardware’ is by far the most susceptible component of any organisation, and businesses should prioritise prevention over treatment.
Human error is responsible for up to 95% of cyber security breaches. According to recent estimates, just half of all employees receive training once a year.
Employees are the last line of defence in a company’s security, serving as the ‘human firewall’ from SMEs to huge companies. So, what are the most critical security awareness training subjects for your employees?
What are the most critical subjects for security awareness training?
We’ve listed the most relevant cyber security topics for people in 2021:
1. Phishing Attacks
In the recent year, there has been a significant increase in phishing assaults. This is also one of the reasons why I have placed it first in the list for 5 most important cyber security topics. There were a plethora of pandemic-related phishing emails in particular. In mid-April, Google’s Threat Analysis Group announced that they were blocking 18 million COVID-19 related malware and phishing emails every day.
The most prevalent cause of cyber-security breaches is still phishing assaults. Current statistics clearly demonstrate the need of phishing attack knowledge; research indicates that 91% of successful cyber assaults are the result of a phishing scam.
Simulated phishing attacks can demonstrate the potential risk to your company from such attacks.
2. Removable Media
This is another security awareness subject that businesses employ on a regular basis. Removable media is a portable storage medium that allows users to transfer data to one device and then move it to another, and vice versa. When end users connect in a USB device containing malware, it is possible for the infection to be discovered.
“300 USB sticks were dropped on the University of Illinois campus by researchers. Ninety-eight percent of these drives were picked up! Furthermore, 45 percent of these discs were not only picked up, but people clicked on the contents they discovered within. “
Your staff must understand the hazards as well as how to utilise these devices securely and ethically in your organisation. A corporation may elect to employ removable media in their environment for a variety of reasons. However, like with any technology, there will always be hazards. In addition to the devices themselves, it is critical that your personnel safeguard the data on these devices.
A few common examples of removable media you and your employees might use in the workplace are:
USB sticks
SD cards
3. Passwords and Authentication
Password security is a basic but frequently ignored component that may enhance your company’s security. Malicious actors will frequently guess commonly used passwords in the intention of acquiring access to your accounts. Using basic passwords or having identifiable password patterns for employees might make it easy for cyber-criminals to get access to a wide variety of accounts.
Using random passwords makes it considerably more difficult for hostile actors to obtain access to a variety of accounts. Other measures, such as two-factor authentication, provide further levels of protection to protect the account’s integrity.
4. Physical Security
If you’re one of those persons who keeps their passwords on sticky notes on their desk, you should probably get rid of them. Though many assaults occur via digital channels, keeping crucial physical documents secure is critical to the integrity of your company’s security system.
Simply being aware of the dangers of leaving papers, unattended laptops, and passwords lying about the workplace or at home can help to lessen the security risk.
5. Mobile Device Security
The evolving landscape of IT technology has increased the possibility for flexible working settings while also allowing for more sophisticated security assaults. With more individuals now able to work on the move through mobile devices, greater connectivity has raised the potential of security breaches.For smaller businesses, this can be an efficient approach to save money; nevertheless, user-device responsibility will become an increasingly important feature of training in 2021, particularly for travelling or remote personnel. With the introduction of harmful mobile apps, the chance of mobile phones harbouring malware has grown, potentially leading to a security breach.
Best practise online courses for mobile device workers can assist educate staff on risk avoidance without requiring expensive security mechanisms.
Employees who work on their own devices must be trained on the safe use of personal equipment.
The best community practise is to require workers to sign a mobile security policy.
So all in all those are the 5 cyber security topics that should at least be learned. GDPR compliance in the EU has resulted in new email restrictions, which may necessitate re-training for many staff. Breaching these laws can result in significant fines, most notably for BA and Marriott hotels.
By subscribing in automated online policy management solutions, you can keep your staff up to speed on the newest policy changes and ensure they stay informed.
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